Entropy, 2009
The Eleanor Prest Reese and The Robert B. Berkshire Galleries
Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana
Entropy, 2009
Donated CD and DVD discs, 2x4s, Monofilament, Cable ties, Sheet metal and wood screws, and Fender washers.
Installed at The Eleanor Prest Reese and The Robert B. Berkshire Galleries at the Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana
Entropy was part of the three person exhibition titled 3 x 3. This was a unique exhibition experience: Paula Katz, the Gallery Director of the Herron School of art, invited three regional curators to each select one artist from the city or region to exhibit at Herron - hence the title "3 x 3". Jay Jordan, curator and director of the New Contemporary Center in Louisville, Kentucky, invited me to design a new installation for The Eleanor Prest Reese and The Robert B. Berkshire Galleries, Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana. This invitation led to the first CD installation.